RB nr 8/2007

Komisja Nadzoru Finasowego

Legal basis: § 5 subpar. 1 pt. 1 of RO and § 7 of RO

The Management Board of MCI Management S.A. informs that on February 13, 2007 the fund acquired 90 shares of MCI.BioVentures Sp. z o.o at their nominal price which correspond to 90% of the share capital of the company. MCI paid 45 thousand PLN for the purchased shares, that is 500.00 PLN per share. MCI.BioVentures Sp. z o.o. was set up with the purpose of conducting investment operations in the non-public market in the scope of biotechnology, medicine and related technologies.

MCI.BioVentures is a seed capital fund investing up to EUR 1 million in companies operating in Poland. The fund will invest in companies at their early stage of growth (seed and start-up).

MCI.BioVentures fund is expected to reach PLN 20 million in 2008 with the commitment of MCI Management S.A. at PLN 10 million. The remaining capital shall come from the grant for which the Management of MCI.BioVentures applied to the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development. The fund should be notified about the grant for support in April 2007.

The operations of MCI.BioVentures shall result in 5 to 9 enterprises in the MCI Management SA portfolio structure by mid 2008.

As announced earlier the Fund is going to conduct operations in cooperation with such partners as: Innovation Centre FIRE, WTS Polish and European Patent and Trademark Attorneys, BioInfoBank, Biotech Consulting as well as technology parks and university centers of transfer of technology.

The purchased assets correspond to over 20% of the share capital of MCI.BioVentures Sp. z o.o. and are considered assets of significant value.

Data publikacji raportu: 13/02/2007 00:00