RB nr 54/2004

Komisja Nadzoru Finasowego

Legal basis: § 49 RRM GPW

The Management Board of MCI Management SA hereby presents the content of the resolutions adopted at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of MCI Management SA which took place on July 29, 2004 at 9:30 A.M. in the office of the company in Wrocław ul. Św. Mikołaja 7.

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of MCI Management S.A.
adopted on July 29, 2004 in the sequence of their consideration:

RESOLUTION No. 01/07/2004
of the Extraordinary General Meeting of MCI Management SA from July 29, 2004 on the appointment of the member of the Supervisory Board

§ 1.
On the basis of a secret voting and in reference to the content of § 14 subpar. 2 pt. b) of the Statutes of the Company the General Meeting hereby appoints to the membership of the Supervisory Board of the 3rd Term of Office Mr. Krzysztof Samotij as Member of the Supervisory Board.

§ 2.
The resolution becomes effective as of the day of its adoption.

Data publikacji raportu: 30/07/2004 00:00