RB nr 47/2006

Komisja Nadzoru Finasowego

Legal basis: § 31 subpar. 2 of RO

The Management Board of MCI Management SA informs of the correction of the forecast of the unit and consolidated net financial result of MCI Management SA made at the end of 2006 SA and correction of the forecast of MCI Management SA assets valuation made with the use of directors’ valuation method for the end of 2006:

2006 Forecast from Nov. 13, 2006

Unit net financial result PLN 12,385 thousand
Consolidated net financial result PLN 17,210 thousand
Directors’ valuation of MCI assets PLN 177-200 million

Correction of forecast
Unit net financial result PLN 23,831 thousand
Consolidated net financial result PLN 29,319 thousand
Directors’ valuation of MCI assets PLN 200 million

The reason of the increase of the forecast of the consolidated financial result is the evaluation of forecasts of the portfolio companies in the fourth quarter and planned transactions of next exits from investments.
The forecasts are made with the assumption of unchanged number of consolidated companies and on the basis of the best knowledge in the scope of planned investments until the end of 2006.

The Management Board of MCI expects a double digit dynamics of further improvement of the results in 2007 in the scope of planned net profit as well as the fund’s assets’ value.

The Management of the company makes an assessment of a possibility of realization of forecasted results at least once a quarter. The information about that is published in quarterly or current reports if at least one of the forecasted position changes by more than 10%.

Data publikacji raportu: 06/12/2006 00:00