RB nr 34/2005

Komisja Nadzoru Finasowego

Legal basis: Art. 81 subpar. 1 pt. 2 PPO and pt. 26 “Best Practices in Public Companies in 2005”

The Management Board of MCI Management SA informs that on September 28, 2005 at the session of the Supervisory Board of MCI a resolution was adopted in which the Supervisory Board granted the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board of MCI, Mr. Waldemar Sielski its consent to participate in the investment in Clix Software Sp. z o.o. and obliged the Management Board of the company to inform the public of the fact.
Mr. Waldemar Sielski holds 1,816 shares of Clix Software Sp. z o.o. based in Warsaw. Those shares in total account for 22.70% of the share capital of Clix Software Sp. z o.o. Mr. Waldemar Sielski paid for the shares 181,600 PLN, i.e. at their nominal price of 100 PLN per each share. In total MCI Management S.A. holds 3,200 shares of Clix Software Sp. z o.o. which accounts for 40.00% of the share capital of the company which is 800 thousand PLN.

Data publikacji raportu: 29/09/2005 00:00