RB nr 15/2010
Komisja Nadzoru FinasowegoLegal basis: art. 56 subpar. 1 pt. 2) of the Act on Public Offering – current and periodic information.
The Management Board of MCI Management S.A. informs that on April 28, 2010 with the approval of the Supervisory Board of the Company expressed by the resolution no. 03/01/04/2010 from April 20, 2010 the Company issued to a domestic financial investor 57,000 (fifty seven thousand) registered and unsecured Series âDâ bonds without the form of documents, with the nominal value of PLN 1,000.00 (one thousand) each and the issue price of PLN 1,006.24 (one thousand six 20/100) each (Bonds.)
The objective of the issue of Bonds is to subscribe jointly with the domestic financial investor the investment certificates issued by IPOPEMA 34 Closed-End Investment Fund of Non-Public Assets, established and managed by IPOPEMA TFI S.A. with its registered seat in Warsaw (Certificates, Fund), with the total value of the subscriptions submitted by MCI Management S.A. for the Certificates representing the nominal value of all issued Bonds.
The nominal value of the issue of bonds is PLN 57,000,000.00 (fifty seven million.) The Bonds shall be redeemed no later than by March 22, 2013 for the amount equal to:
a) the equivalent of the net value of assets per Certificate in the last publication of the Fund before the redemption, established in accordance with the Statutes of the Fund for the purpose of the redemption of the Certificates, decreased by the remuneration of the Company, or
b) in the case of liquidation of the Fund – the equivalent of the amount due to the Company as a participant in the Fund for the amortized Certificates per one Certificate, decreased by the remuneration of the Company.
The Bonds bear no interest. The Bonds authorize only to a monetary performance, consisting in payment of the amount due for each Bond, in the amount, on the date as well as the terms and conditions provided in the terms and conditions of the issue of the Bonds.
As of the last day of the quarter preceding the submission of the proposal of purchase of the bonds, i.e. March 31, 2010, the estimate value of the obligations contracted by the Company (at consolidated level) was PLN 58,103 thousand. The ability of the Company to meet the obligations arising from the Bonds is guaranteed by their inseparable connection with the amount due for the purchase of the Certificates.
Furthermore, the Management Board of MCI Management S.A. informs that on April 29, 2010 it purchased 57,000 (fifty seven thousand) Certificates of the Fund at the issue price of PLN 1,000.00 (one thousand) for the total amount of PLN 57,000,000.00 (fifty seven million.) There are no connections between the Company, its executive or supervisory personnel and the Fund.
The purchased Certificates are considered assets of significant value since their aggregate issue price exceeds 10% of the value of the equity capitals of the Company.
The purchased Certificates were financed with the funds from the issue of the Bonds.
Summing up the information provided above, the Management Board of MCI Management S.A. informs that the issue of the Bonds as well as the subscription of the Certificates was caused by the needs of the domestic financial investor entering into cooperation with MCI Management S.A. MCI Management undertook the project for a remuneration in the amount which does not differ from the market conditions applied in this case of agreements. Furthermore, due to the mutual connection of their values the Bonds and the Certificates have a neutral affect on the balance sheet of the Company and they do not generate any investment risk on the part of the Company.
Legal basis:
§ 5 subpar. 1 and 11 of the Directive of the Minister of Finance on current and periodic information
Roman Cisek – Member of the Management Board
Marek Wencki – Proxy